Saturday, August 9, 2008

For fuck's sake

I am beginning to think I shouldn't leave the house. I am beginning to not want to leave the house. The men of Philadelphia will not leave me alone to enjoy my Metro, my coffee, shopping or any other activity. I'm young, I'm female and apparently I'm on the menu. Kill me.

A friend of a friend has decided he would like to have sex with me. Neato, but I'm already seriously involved and also seriously repulsed by the idea that a guy like that is even attracted to me. It's one of those things where I think that if someone like that (and by like that, I mean a transparent player with a side of pseudo intellectual bullshit) would be interested in me, I should re-evaluate my life and perhaps how I appear to people. Because if it seems like I'd ever go for someone that is clearly shady, I may be putting out a vibe that I don't mean to.

I mean, glad that you think I'm attractive, but why don't you go have a beer instead of staring at me like I'm a fucking animal at the zoo? Whatever happened to manners, tact and class? Do men really just get off on competing with other men to the point that they don't notice that the woman he's competing for would rather stab herself in the face with an icepick that respond positively to his sexual overtures?

In other news, I've officially moved to Rittenhouse Square. I live in a lovely high rise. It's great to have a 15 minute commute to work in West Philly. And it's absolutely fan-fucking-tastic and amazing to no longer live with my fucktard of a roommate any more! No more dogs, dog shit, disgusting food in the slow cooker for days on end! No more cleaning up messes I wasn't home to make! No more unemployed jerkoff talking to me about how all women are! No more sex with the door open! No more ridiculous bills being handed to me! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, I hated that guy and if I ever see him again I'll struggle to refrain from throwing him into the river.

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