Wednesday, July 23, 2008


For the life of me, I cannot figure out how it got there or why a salt shaker is sitting on my bed side table.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The burdens of popularity

From time to time the men of this grand city like to try their luck and start talking to me. Sometimes, it's funny.

Him: Wow, you're really pretty
Me: *uncomfortable glance* Um, thanks?
Him: Sitting here looking all sexy
Me: Right
Him: You got a boyfriend?
Me: Yep
Him: You ought to have 10, cause of how pretty you is

*snort* I totally agree. Because one man isn't enough trouble!

I've actually grown tired hearing how pretty, beautiful, sexy and gorgeous I am. Ah, to be young and evidently so attractive. My burden is so heavy.

All sarcasm aside, WTF? I think I'm an attractive girl, but I don't think I warrant nearly the amount of attention I get. Which is every time I leave the house. What can I do about it really? Threaten to snap their cock off? Would that even work?

I make friends everywhere I go these days. Gay, straight. If it has a penis, it wants to talk to me. I don't want to cram pimpage. I want to read the Metro in peace. What about headphones, sunglasses, a newspaper and a scowl says "In the market for dick" to people? Cause I gotta fix it.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What am I listening to?

I'm glad you asked. My best musical discoveries in the past few months are the following:

Black Kids

And as of last night, James Yuill. I suggest the "No Pins Allowed" video. The boyfriend pointed me to this last night and for whatever reason, I love it.

MGMT will be in town on the 25th. Unfortunately when they first were coming to town, I missed buying tickets. I walked around really annoyed with myself for a solid two days. But! I posted on craigslist to get tickets... And instead the dude from R5 Productions emailed me to let me know the venue had changed (to the acoustically shitty Starlight Ballroom) and that tickets were again available. I will take my chances and report back. I imagine MGMT will sound better than Ted Leo did. The highlight of that show was the man in the back who literally turned the entire room into his own personal version of So You Think You Can Dance. He danced nonstop. It was both bewildering and really ballsy. I have to wonder what combination of substances produces that effect.

I was supposed to see the Black Kids at World Cafe a few weeks back, but I didn't managed to get out of bed before noon. Disturbing, no?

Granted, I'm listening to more stuff than listed, but who wants to read a blog where a random stranger tries to give out dozens of band recommendations or worse, out-indie you by naming bands so obscure they only exist in my head?

Monday, July 7, 2008

American Splendor

I saw a bald eagle flying overhead this afternoon. It was sort of shocking, seeing as I don't associate Philadelphia with a large and diverse wildlife population. Still, it was definitely an eagle. On Saturday, I managed to see a falcon (90% sure it was a falcon) chilling in a field in Bucks County. That was less shocking, but equally cool.

This is what I do instead of going to sleep. I blog about birds.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Stardust Memories

My mother asked me if I'd be attending my high school reunion next year. I graduated in 1999. I was sort of shocked that she asked if I'd go to the reunion, seeing as I skipped the graduation ceremony altogether. Come to think of it, I didn't do my college graduation either. I'm not sure there's anyone I went to school with that I couldn't stalk via google or myspace if I was that insanely curious about their life.

I know this because last year a boy I hadn't seen since 5th grade managed to find me on myspace and send me a message. We used to chase each other around the playground like idiots. I was both surprised and happy to hear from him. Very few other people fall into that category, ya know? It's not like I actively shun people that used to know me, but I'm barely recognizable compared to who I was in high school. The thing of it is that when a person has changed who they are, it's not really all that fun to spend an evening being continually reminded. Or worse, people who assume no one ever changes and still behave towards you like the past is still applicable.

I was the poster child for a depressed adolescent. I was a slacker and a stoner. I was unmotivated and bored out of my mind. Things got a lot better for me and I really like the person I've become. The last thing I want to do is spend an evening in a room of people who will be looking me over trying to determine if I've gotten fatter or uglier (negative), if I'm still a stoner (negative) and if I ever managed to go to school (yes. still paying. thanks Drexel!)

How fun is that? Then of course are the three lifestyle questions I hate answering. Every time I run into anyone, it is inevitable these things are asked in this order

"So, are you married?"
"Do you have any kids?"

And when the answer to the first two is no...

"Aw, why not? You're pretty/There's still time/Don't jump off the Ben Franklin bridge yet!" *insert sympathetic look here*

I never ask anyone those questions. Because they are fucking annoying as hell. All they do is succeed in making me wonder if I'm living in 1945 and that career goals, financial goals, a desire for travel and just plain having fun are concepts from an alternate universe or if I'm supposed to be weeping myself to sleep since my finger is still not adorned with a shiny rock. I am not a walking uterus or an egg farm.

The last person who asked me about having kids and why not. I said "That doctor said all the whiskey isn't good for babies"

If you want to tell me all about your wedding and your lovely children, go for it. Don't try to make me feel better about something that, before this year, never registered as something I should feel bad about.

So no mom, I won't be going to the reunion.