Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Self

Please, for the love of all things holy, get something done.

This general apathy and inability to do things simple things like go to the post office or make a phone call has been a life long struggle. I'm currently hanging out on my sofa, making a mental list of all the things I need to take care of in the next few weeks. And why I am avoiding them.

Buy a new jump rope: My old one died and I can feel my fat cells considering a full fledged revolt. It is cold and I do not want to drive to Target, despite actually having a car for once and being able to do so with ease. Maybe tomorrow after work.

Get fitted for bridesmaid's dress: I don't want to be poked and prodded by a stranger. And frankly the dress looked bad when I tried it the first time, I'm a little terrified I'm going to look like a ghetto Disney princess or Barney's shiny green cousin. Also, I need to start jumping rope again as my cardio. I think getting fitted for the dress will definitely motivate me to work out

Sign up for Boxing again: Waiting for my next paycheck, too lazy to dial numbers

Grocery shopping: I could have continued driving and just gone to the store, but something compelled me to come home and sit on the sofa.

Shave: It's becoming clear this will soon be removed from my to do list forever

Apply for second job: If I don't want to type, I probably don't want to work more either. Why doesn't a bag of money just fall from the sky?

Go back to school: I don't want to deal with the people in the financial aid office. I also don't want to be told I can't go due to my inability to pay for it. If I had a job that allowed me to pay for school with money out of pocket and left me still able to pay rent and eat; I'd just keep the job.

So there you have it. I am going to take a nap. I'm good at that.

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