Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Deep Thoughts

  • I've been off work for 5 days. Why am I more tired now than I am when I work?

  • I am becoming more convinced that me and my friend share a brain on some level. Every time I have taken the train back to Bucks County to visit my mother, inevitably, we run into each other. It's a bit weird. I've seen her 5/6 train rides.

  • I'm moving out of my urine soaked hell hole in August. Words cannot express how happy I am about this.

  • Speaking of visiting Bucks County, all I do when I'm there is shop. It's ridiculous.

  • Also, watching your parents getting older and being sick sucks. Seeing my father on crutches and my mother barely mobile is a terrible feeling of powerlessness. I hate leukemia, I really do. I'm going to look into becoming a marrow donor. Surely my marrow could be of service to someone.

  • I need a vacation. But instead, I'm going to work myself into an early grave in an attempt to become debt free by age 30. If that doesn't work, my goal will be to become a professional vagrant in my 30's. Dream big!

  • I need more people to hang out with. Specifically, I need other foodies (how much do I hate myself for using the term), people who like art and museums and people who like good beer. I'd like to join a book club of some kind as well.
  • 1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    it was a little like a 12-step program, but i've accepted and even become comfortable with the amount of debt that i have.

    if i have to keep opening new credit cards and maxing them out to go on vacation, then i will... now that's irresponsible!